Blog Category // College Financial Aid

College Entrance and Exit Counseling - What to expect

What to expect . . .

College Financial Aid: Gift Aid vs Self Help Aid

Do you receive gift aid on your birthday? Graduation? Special Occasions? No, birthdays and holidays are not applicable for ...

THE NEW FAFSA IS READY: What You Need to Know

Federal Student Aid has announced that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®️) is once again available to ...

Federal Student Aid Rundown - What you can get by filing the FAFSA

Many college-bound students and their families have fallen for the dangerous myth: "I won't qualify for aid so I'm not going ...

Compare Financial Aid Offers with Caution

7 Steps on How to Apply for Financial Aid for College

Follow this simple step-by-step process to make sure you qualify for as much college financial aid as possible.